e‑Learning application

e-Learning Sygnisoft

Streamline online training and exams

Conduct online training and exams using the highest quality security systems. Our e-learning application allows you to manage training processes conducted by companies. We took care of all aspects of training – from the user registration process and training planning, to conducting exams and issuing certificates to participants who have completed the training.

We used proprietary solutions that revolutionized online exams. Our application enables streaming for the purposes of conducting on-line exams. In addition, it controls forbidden activities on the keyboard and in the browsers of individual exam participants.

The combination of these functionalities makes it possible to build a safe, controlled environment that enables remote conducting of exams for students located in any location with Internet access.

The e-learning application consists of the Student Panel and the Administrator Panel. The Student Panel allows participants to use their active training courses, plans and training materials at any time. The application allows the student to enter a pre-prepared exam and pass the examination process (stationary or online with streaming – the so-called distance examination). The user can check the status of his exams in real time, view and download the received certificates, and easily communicate with the instructor or examiner on the internal inbox. In the Administrator Panel, you can create and manage TNA (Training Needs Analysis) documents, which are the basis for the organization of training and exams, and manage instructors and the level of granted permissions. Another functionality available from the Administrator Panel is the ability to add training materials or planning training calendars.

An application for All4Jets that revolutionized the market

e-Learning for Aviation

QB (Questions DataBank) is an e-learning application created by Sygnisoft for ALL4JETS. It enables to manage trainings for pilots, aviation pilots and personnel. The application processes had to meet the standards of the Civil Aviation Authority and the European Aviation Safety Agency. (EASA Part 147).

With QB we introduced automation of many processes in our organization. With this environment at our disposal we decided to implement an online examination function. This is a breakthrough. With the help of the new QB program we can remotely supervise students during the exams, which anyone can take in a place fulfilling certain minimum criteria, for example their home. QB is the only such complex solution enabling to manage an organization training the technical team according to EASA regulations. We have not seen so much integration of functions for training organizations like in the case of ALL4JETS. ALL4JETS with QB has the opportunity to introduce new quality on the training market, gain access to new markets, reduce training costs for our clients and introduce a high level of supervision of the quality of training implementation.


CEO Robert Grochowski