Mobile Application - ID Logistics Poland

Mobile Application.

For our client, we created a mobile application compatible with Zebra scanners, which required specific know-how and the implementation of non-standard technological solutions.

Our application enables fast and precise reporting of defects and incidents by warehouse employees. Thus, it optimizes and streamlines the complex processes of resolving emergency situations and increases the safety and smoothness of warehouse operations. The system will be able also to report complex statistics on their resolution, create a map of dangerous spots and help implement preventive solutions.

We are pleased that our experience and technological competence have made it possible to successfully implement a project that will respond to the real needs of the industry.



Dedicated, modern solutions for promotional activities of leading brands.

Thanks to our platforms, we can dynamically manage promotional websites of various brands. The platforms are constantly being developed and expanded with new applications depending on the project. We currently operate several modules intended for both the Polish and international markets.

When serving global corporations, implementing a dedicated solution is not always an option. If necessary, we are flexible and, as required, we work according to the appropriate global standard.

In addition to website preparation, we also provide maintenance services. A friendly user interface and extensive customization options for specific campaigns allow us to carry out smooth implementations while maintaining the highest security standards.

Gies a Break

Lottery website for the British market. 

The first project implemented by Sygnisoft SA for the British PepsiCo market. The marketing platform from Sygnisoft SA enables intuitive management of many websites on the Polish and international market. It offers quick and easy setup, numerous customization options, without compromising security or regulatory requirements. The new tool offers many features, including automation, reporting, monitoring and real-time moderation. In addition, in the case of this project, we used an innovative system of drawing and selecting winners, which perfectly suited the needs of the organizer.

Polish Center for Legalization

Platforma obiegu dokumentów dla Polskiego Centrum Legalizacji

Celem projektu było stworzenie platformy obiegu dokumentów. Projekt umożliwił załatwienie wszelkich dokumentów związanych z legalizacją pobytu i zatrudniania cudzoziemców w Polsce. Został zintegrowany z urzędami i innymi instytucjami wydającymi stosowne zezwolenia. Dodatkowo w ramach projektu stworzyliśmy platformę rozliczeniową pomiędzy obcokrajowcami a firmami zatrudniającymi w Polsce.

Waluta w Internecie

We have created from scratch a dedicated system for one of the most famous exchange offices in Poland – Thanks to the Sygnisoft solution and integration with banking systems, NBP and GIIF, can achieve synergy of offline and online channels and build new groups of clients using only internet exchange.

We support on an ongoing basis to maintain the highest functionality of the software we have created, giving users the best experience. Our support also guarantees full security of the system’s operation and regular adaptation to changes in the technology market and the currency exchange industry.

Kantor dla Firm - PK Capital

Currency online

Sygnisoft has developed and implemented a dedicated web application for managing the online currency exchange process for Kantor dla Firm – PK Capital Sp. z o.o.

The exchange office supports the exchange of over 80 currencies from around the world. It is the only exchange office in Poland that aggregates prices from 20 largest banks in the world. It uses STP (straight through processing) technology that enables immediate access to quotations directly from the international market, so that customers can count on the best prices on the market.

Fundequate - Reporting platform for VC funds

Reporting platform for VC funds

Platform for fund managers, investors and startups. Fundequate provides a structured investment monitoring process, a financial and KPI reporting module, and an Investor Portal.

Main functionalities:

  • VC fund administration
  • Dashboards and KPI Reports
  • Investor Portal and AML verification
  • Rynek emisji akcji i długu

ALL4JETS Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.

QB (Questions DataBank) – aplikacja e-learningowa dla ALL4JETS

Celem projektu było przygotowanie aplikacji do zarządzania szkoleniami i przeprowadzania egzaminów dla pilotów, mechaników lotniczych i personelu lotniczego.

Kluczowym punktem projektu była jego integracja z aplikacją do przesyłania strumieniowego na potrzeby przeprowadzania egzaminów online. Ważną cechą systemu jest autorska aplikacja Sygnisoft SA kontrolująca nielegalne działania na klawiaturze oraz w przeglądarkach dokonywane przez poszczególnych użytkowników. Połączenie tych funkcjonalności stworzyło możliwość zbudowania bezpiecznego, kontrolowanego środowiska, które pozwala na zdalne przeprowadzanie egzaminów dla studentów znajdujących się w dowolnej lokalizacji z dostępem do Internetu.

Prace nad projektem trwały sześć miesięcy, a łączny czas poświęcony na jego realizację wyniósł prawie 3000 godzin.

Wszystkie procesy w aplikacji musiały spełniać wymagania Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego oraz Europejskiej Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Lotniczego (EASA Part 147).


Biuro Turystyki ZNP LogosTour Sp. z o.o.

Dedykowana platforma do sprzedaży ofert Biura Turystyki LogosTour .

Zakończyliśmy projekt przygotowania i wdrożenia platformy internetowej umożliwiającej przeglądanie ofert wycieczek i dokonywanie rezerwacji on-line.

The overriding goal of the project was technological optimization in terms of infrastructure security, as well as ensuring the implementation of good SEO practices in the field of technical aspects of the website. In addition, we also took care of refreshing the image of the portal, improving UX, and optimizing shopping paths – both in the mobile and desktop versions.

The challenge that we had to meet was the integration with the reservation system used in the company and ensuring the correct exchange of information between the two instances.

Cityboard Media Sp. z o.o.

Cityboard Media web application

We have created a web application that allows customers to purchase the advertising space offered. Thanks to the prepared application, customers can precisely indicate the carrier by finding it on the map and selecting it, as well as receive an automated quote for an advertising campaign and a quote. The application prepared in this way improves the management of the company’s outdoor resources.


"Maraton Warszawski" Foundation

Maintenance and development of the platform

During our cooperation with the “Warsaw Marathon” foundation, which has been going on for over a dozen years, we implemented innovative functionalities on the platform used by participants of marathons and other races.

On a daily basis, we provide maintenance and service services that adapt the platform to the current requirements of our client.


We promote and facilitate physical activity using the mobile application.

Thanks to close cooperation with the client, we created a mobile application that promotes physical activity among running enthusiasts. The application makes it easier for users to access the most key functionalities of the platform, including current news, events registration, history and visualization of individual activity progress. The project was made for mobile devices with Android and iOS systems in hybrid technology – Flutter.


Attract customers by giving them access to your products at their fingertips

We have created a mobile application for SEVANTE e-commerce store – from scratch. Thanks to the Sygnisoft solution, the brand can expand its customer acquisition channels and offer users a completely new dimension of using the e-commerce store, thanks to the functionalities possible in the mobile application.

We support on an ongoing basis to maintain the highest functionality of the software we have created, while giving users the best experience.


Management, service and rental of real estate always close at hand

As part of our activities in the tourism industry, we created from scratch a complete system consisting of 3 separate mobile applications successfully used by: apartment managers, cleaning service employees and target customers. The most important functionalities implemented in mobile applications include communication on the client – manager – employee line, managing and scheduling tasks for employees, ratings by target customers and reporting faults / needs.


Official lexicon of vocabulary related to the topic of nuclear energy

The mobile application introduces users to issues related to nuclear power, introducing a new standard in acquiring knowledge and familiarizing themselves with nuclear nomenclature. In addition, it unifies the language of communication for all people interested in the industry (students, journalists, industry employees). The application is free to download for all users on mobile devices (Android/iOS).


Trading platform

Webtrader is an easy-to-use and intuitive trading platform that allows you to trade on the Forex market as well as trade all types of contracts for difference (CFDs – Contract for difference). The Webtrader application is available from any computer or mobile device via a web browser, ensuring simplicity of use and at the same time enabling easy and efficient placing of orders, observing charts and conducting technical analysis.

Green Jungle

Dedykowana platforma tokenizacji

Projekt Zielona Dżungla uzyskał dofinansowanie w ramach Programu Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020 – poprzez ubieganie się o środki na rozwój startupów.

Nasza współpraca to efekt wygranego przetargu na przygotowanie platformy zarządzającej, sprzedażowej i inwestycyjnej, która pomoże pozyskać środki na rozwój plantacji konopi.


Dedykowana platforma tokenizacji

Dla jednego z naszych klientów przygotowaliśmy dedykowaną platformę do tokenizacji. Podstawowe funkcje: proces KYC (firma/osoba prywatna), kryptowaluta (integracja z Coin Payments) i FIAT, opcja zakupu tokenów, jednoetapowa afiliacja z prowizją od zakupu partnera.

Kasyno internetowe

Opracowaliśmy unikalne rozwiązania, mechanizmy i oprogramowanie – tak, aby gracze zawsze czuli się wyjątkowo.

Tworzone przez nas autorskie gry stały się ważnym punktem kasyna. Prace nad rozwiązaniem kasyna ShadowBet wymagały zaangażowania przez długi czas rozbudowanego zespołu. Aby zagwarantować sukces platformy, powołaliśmy zespół odpowiedzialny za pozyskiwanie klientów. Połączyliśmy strategię akwizycji i program lojalnościowy w jedną ofertę dla klienta. Od momentu kontaktu z banerem reklamowym angażujemy klienta w specjalnie stworzoną grę bonusową, w której klienci zdobywają ciekawe nagrody jeszcze przed procesem rejestracji.

Sklep internetowy

Zaprojektowaliśmy i zaprogramowaliśmy sklep internetowy